Study Group for Roman Pottery Cambridge Conference 2008

– Cambridge –
Fri 4th – Sun 6th July 2008

The SGRP 2008 conference will take
place on the weekend of July Fri 4th– Sun 6th in
Cambridge. We will be staying at Clare College, a university hall of
residence only 15 minutes walk from the McDonald Institute where we
will hold the lectures. Both venues are within the centre of historic
Cambridge. The conference will run from 2.30 pm on the Friday to 1pm
on the Sunday.

The speakers represent the diverse nature of professional
archaeology today and will present their recent research covering both
within East Anglia and Europe. There will be a mixture of spoken
papers, posters, handling and viewing sessions and a field trip.

This year we are very keen to have a good display of posters for
the conference. If you would like to present your research using this
format please contact Gwladys or Alice for guidelines and advice (see
below for email).

The Friday night dinner will be a formal event within the
beautiful Great Hall of Clare College, while Saturday’s evening meal
will be in the relaxed atmosphere of the Castle Pub in Cambridge.

On Saturday the coach trip will first go to Car Dyke
where Stephen Macaulay will give us a tour, we will then travel to
Saffron Walden to visit the Museum. It will be followed by a guided
tour of the Bartlow Hills barrow cemetery with Sarah Poppy.

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME (Revised 6th July 2008)

All talks are 20 minutes long, with
five minutes for questions

Friday 4th July, Start of conference at the McDonald Institute

Chair: Roberta Tomber (SGRP President)
14.30 – 14.35: Welcome
14.35 – 15.00: Geoffrey Dannell (freelance): Roman
potteries around Durobrivae
15.00 – 15.25: Mark Hinman (CAM ARC): The Topography of
Roman Cambridgeshire
15.25 – 15.50: Grahame Appleby and Christopher Evans (CAU)
Roman Fen-Edge Production
and Supply Dynamics: Excavations at Earith & Somersham, 1996-2007
16.00 – 18.00: We will spilt into four groups and visit the Archaeology and Anthropology Museum
(guided by Anne Taylor) for pottery handling and gallery. Tea and
bicuits available.
Transfer back to Clare College.
18.30-1930: For residential members and
those who have booked dinner on Friday night a wine and soft
drinks reception will be held in the Scholar’s Garden (if fine) or the
Great Hall (if wet).
Dinner in Old Court Great Hall (smart/casual – no jeans).

Saturday 5th July

Breakfast at Old Buttery Court
Transfer to McDonald

Chair: Rob Perrin

9.00 – 9.05: Introduction
9.05 – 9.30: Steve Macaulay (CAM ARC): Car
9.30 – 9.55: Jerry Evans (Freelance):
9.55 – 10.20: Rachael Seager Smith and Kayt Brown
(Wessex Archaeology) Recent Research on a large
pottery assemblage from Springhead (Kent)
10.20 – 10.45: Tea
10.45 – 11.15: Pot Stop – several short papers

Beth Richardson, Some as yet unidentified industrial vessels from
Basinghall St, London
Chris Lydamore & Harlow Volunteers Group, towards an Haddam ware
typology and local
reference collection. Brief consideration of the “swastika”
bowl from Colchester.
11.30 – 13.00 AGM (SGRP Members only)
Transfer to Old Court Buttery / Clare College
Cold buffet lunch at the Old Court Buttery.
14.00: Coach leaves for trip
from the Memorial Court carpark, Clare College. We will travel to Car Dyke
(tour by Steve Macaulay),
Saffron Walden Museum where we will spilt into groups for a gallery
visit and local tea shops if desired) and then to Bartlow Hills Barrow Cemetery
(tour by Sarah
Return to Cambridge
Hot buffet dinner at The Castle pub (near Shire Hall)

Sunday 6th July

Breakfast at Old Buttery Court
Transfer to McDonald

Chair: Jerry Evans

9.00 – 9.05: Introduction
9.05 – 9.30: Katie Anderson (CAU): Pottery
Earith – the Camp Ground assemblage, function, trade
and deposition
9.30 – 10.00: Andrew Peachy (AS): Pottery
production & work-place rituals on an industrial site at East
Winch, in the Nar Valley, Norfolk.
10.00 – 10.25: Pot stop – several short papers

Alex Croom, Horningsea Pottery from Hadrian’s Wall

Grahame Appleby & Sam Lucy, Rescuing an archive: The
Romano-British settlement at Mucking, Essex

Gladys Monteil, Felix Oswald Samian Project Update

Roberta Tomber, Introducing the on-line National Roman Fabric
Reference Collection.
10.25 – 10.55: Tea

Chair: Roberta Tomber

10.55 – 11.25: Alice Lyons (CAM ARC): Early
coarse wares in the Cambridgeshire region
11.25 – 11.50: Robin P Symonds (Institut National de
Recherches et d’Archéologie Préventive):
Poppy beakers in Alsace. Some points of interest in ceramics research in eastern
and north-central France.
10.50 – 12.15: Louise Rayner (ASE) Town & Country in
Roman Essex: dealing with archives and
assemblages from Eastern England
12.15 – 1240: James Gerrard (PCA). Pottery from
Drapers Gardens, the
Wallbrook Valley, London
12.40 – 13.00: Questions and close of conference

Bedrooms in Clare College will be available from 2.00pm on
Friday and need to be vacated on Sunday by 9.30am. A luggage room will be
available in Clare College before 2.00pm on Friday.

There is limited parking at Clare College. These spaces need to be
booked in advance and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

The fully inclusive price for the conference in a
standard room is £175 (with a twin occupancy reduction of £10 per
person). This includes conference fee, Friday night dinner (with wine),
accommodation and breakfast for two nights, refreshments on all days,
lunch on Saturday, a coach trip and a pub meal on Saturday. If you
would prefer en suite accommodation the fully inclusive price is £225.

The daily rate for the conference is £23 to cover
the conference fee and refreshments, £30 on Saturday to also
include the coach trip. Lunch on Saturday will be an additional £9
and the conference dinner on Saturday £12.

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