SGRP Conference 2014 – Reading

Our conference for 2014 is being held as part of the Roman Archaeology conference in Reading, on Thursday 27th – Sun 30th March.

We have two sessions organised; one by Andy Souter on amphorae and one by Meike Weber on the interpretation of deposits which will run on Saturday. Participants will be able to mix and match as they wish and there are several other pottery related papers in other sessions including one organised by Roberta Tomber. As 2014 will be the final excavation season for Silchester and the post-excavation season is currently underway it will hopefully also be an opportunity to see some of the pottery from the Insula IX excavations whilst it is still accessible.

There will be an optional conference field trip on Sunday afternoon to visit Silchester. You will need to book individually for this conference, as you can see from the booking form. Further details including arranging accommodation can be found on the website. We hope that you will find this a stimulating conference to attend. Please see for details about booking, prices, accommodation, and for all the abstracts.

The AGM will be held on Saturday.