Successful SGRP conference in Norwich

A good time was had by all at the annual SGRP conference, this year held in Norwich on the 12th-14th June. Delegates at the city’s Castle Museum and then the University of East Anglia heard a range of fascinating papers over the three days. Topics covered the Roman pottery of Eastern Britain, news from major pottery projects, the ceramics of London and the Channel Islands, and aspects of manufacture. We were especially pleased to welcome members from the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group to the conference for a joint session on recording standards, guidelines, and pottery resources.SGRP 2015 at Norwich Castle MuseumA highlight of the conference was a tour of Roman Norfolk, beginning with a visit to the Roman town at Caistor St Edmund. Professor Will Bowden, who has been undertaking fieldwork at the site, led the group round the walls and spoke about the origins and development of the town. The visit ended at the village church, where members were offered tea and biscuits, which were very welcome on a soggy day.

SGRP 2015: Tour of Caistor Roman townThen it was off to Burgh Castle Saxon Shore Fort near Great Yarmouth. Dr Steven Willis gave an entertaining tour of the walls of the fort, which remain very impressive.SGRP 2015: Tour of Burgh Castle Saxon shore fortApart from the papers and the tour, delegates also enjoyed a wine reception and buffet at the Castle Museum, and a conference dinner at the Queens Head, Burgh. Huge thanks are owed to Alice Lyons and her team for organising the conference, and ensuring that everything ran smoothly the entire weekend.