This year the SGRP conference will be held in the City of Carlisle, and will be a full weekend combining lectures, pottery handling, site tours, and food. The SGRP last visited Carlisle in 1999, and in the intervening period a large number of excavations both in Carlisle and the surrounding landscape have taken place.
Over the weekend the group will be addressing several themes, including the Roman pottery of Carlisle, North West Britain and pottery from larger projects and international sites.
The conference will be located at Tullie House for all three days. On Friday evening there will be a wine reception at Tullie House with access to the Roman Frontier Gallery, while on Saturday afternoon site visits will include a guided tour at the Roman Fort of Vindolanda by Andrew Birley. The visit will also include a firing of a replica Roman pottery kiln by Graham Taylor.
The conference promises to an exciting one, and early booking is recommended. Click on the link below to download the conference programme, booking form, and information about prices, accommodation and bursaries.
SGRP Conference 2017: Tullie House, Carlisle. Conference information
Information for attendees wishing to pay their conference booking by bank transfer