SGRP Annual Conference 2018, Oxford
SGRP members perusing the bookstalls (photo: Kate Brady)
SGRP members in conference (Photo: Kate Brady)
Pottery viewing at the SGRP conference in Oxford (photo: Kate Brady)
Retiring SGRP president after being presented with a replica face-pot in gratitude for his work in the post (Photo: Kate Brady)
SGRP members on a visit to North Leigh Roman villa, Oxfordshire (photo: Jane Timby)
SGRP Annual Conference, Carlisle
At the conference dinner after the AGM (Photo: Joyce Compton)
On a tour of Vindolanda (Photo: Joyce Compton)
The kiln being fired (Photo: Stephen Wadeson)
Please send any suitable pictures, particularly of pottery, to the Web Manager. Please ensure you have the permission of the copyright owner.
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