The annual John Gillam Prize, established in 2004, honours a key founder of our Group for his tremendous contribution to the subject. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2024 award. A wide range of work that has had an impact on pottery found in Roman Britain and the Continent is eligible, so long as it was completed within the last two years. Nominations can include pottery reports (both published and grey literature), site reports, monographs, synthetic studies, websites, student dissertations, digital projects, theses and so on. Any nomination must highlight specific aspects of Roman pottery from a technological, regional or thematic perspective. Please send your nominations to the President, who chairs the Gillam Committee.
2015:City of Lincoln pottery corpus, by Maggi Darling and Barbara Precious
2014: ‘Quo vadis sigillata?’ (Reading University PhD thesis), by Meike Weber
2013:Names on Terra Sigillata (Samian Ware). Awarded to Brenda Dickinson on behalf of the whole of the team involved in the project
2012: ‘Hoo ware – an investigation and comparative analysis using old and new evidence recovered from a first century AD Romano-British site in North Kent. Is this combined evidence indicative of a production site?’ University of Kent BA dissertation), by David Applegate
2011: ‘New Light on the Wine Trade with Julio-Claudian Britain’, Britannia XL, 2009, 1-40, by Paul R Sealey
2009:Faces from the past. A study of Roman Face Pots from Italy and the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire, BAR Int Series 1651, by Gillian Braithwaite
2008:Eating and Drinking in Roman Britain, Cambridge University Press, by Hilary Cool
2007:Roman Pottery Production in the Walbrook Valley. Excavations at 20–28 Moorgate, City of London, 1998–2000 (F Seeley and J Drummond-Murray), MoLAS Monograph 25 (2005). Awarded to Fiona Seeley
2006:Samian Ware in Roman London (University of London PhD thesis), by Gwladys Monteil