Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 15
Edited by Steven Willis
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Gillian Braithwaite by Richard Reece
John Dore by David Mattingly
Vivien Swan by Steven Willis
1. Beyond the confines of empire: a reassessment of the Roman coarse wares from Traprain Law Louisa Campbell
2. Romano-British kiln building and firing experiments: two recent kilns Beryl Hines
3. New data concerning pottery production in the south-western part of Gallia Belgica, in light of the A29 motorway excavations Cyrille Chaidron
4. A characterisation of coastal pottery in the north of France (Nord/Pas-de-Calais) Raphaël Clotuche and Sonja Willems
5. Raetian mortaria in Britain Katharine F. Hartley
6. Two Flavian to early Antonine Romano-British pottery kilns at 7a Fisher Street, Carlisle Melanie Johnson, Alex Croom, Katharine F. Hartley and Ray McBride, with contributions by Sue Anderson, Mike Cressey, Andrew Heald, Fraser Hunter, Adam Jackson and Jennifer Thoms
7. Exports from Iberia: understanding the production of Lusitanian amphorae and their significance in Roman commerce between the first and fifth centuries AD Andrew Philip Souter
8. A brief history of the ceramic mortarium in antiquity Robin P. Symonds
9. Rare and exotic amphorae in North-West Europe: finds from the Roman fort on the Kops Plateau, Nijmegen Joost van den Berg
10. The samian ware from Cardean and the Flavian occupation of Scotland Felicity C. Wild
11. Research Framework for Samian ware, 2012 Gwladys Monteil Naomi Sykes, Steven Willis and Edward Biddulph
12. Reviews
Faces from the Past: A study of Roman Face Pots from Italy and the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire, Gillian Braithwaite†, 2007
Reviewed by Robin P. Symonds
La Graufesenque (Millau, Aveyron), Vol I: Condatomagus, une Agglomération de Confluent en Territoire Rutène IIe s. a. C. – IIIe s. p. C., D. Schaad ed. 2007, and La Graufesenque (Millau, Aveyron), Volume II: Sigillées Lisses et Autres Productions, M. Genin ed. 2007
Reviewed by Joanna Bird
Salaisons et Sauces de poissons en Italie du Sud et en Sicile durant l’Antiquité, E. Botte, 2009
Reviewed by Robin P. Symonds
Amphores vinaires de Narbonnaise, Production et grand commerce. Création d’une base de données géochimiques des ateliers, F. Laubenheimer and A. Schmitt, 2009
Reviewed by Robin P. Symonds
Échanges et vie économique dans le Nord-Ouest des Gaules. Le témoignage des amphores du IIe siècle avant J.-C. au IVe siècle après J.-C., F. Laubenheimer and E. Marlière, 2010
Reviewed by Robin P. Symonds
La céramique romaine en Gaule du Nord. Dictionnaire des céramiques: La vaisselle à large diffusion, R. Brulet, F. Vilvorder and R. Delage, with the collaboration of D. Laduron, 2010
Reviewed by Robin P. Symonds