Journal of Roman Pottery Studies – Volume 11: Contents

Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 11

Edited by Pamela Irving

Click here to download the Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 11


Alexander P DetsicasVivien SwanTimothy W Potter Vivien Swan

1 The Study Group For Roman Pottery Research Framework Document
for the Study of Roman Pottery in Britain, 2003
    Steven Willis
2 A large group of 2nd-century pottery from Ironmonger Lane, in the City of
London: IRL 95, context 58
    R P Symonds with contributions by
Ian Grainger, Angela Wardle and Ian Betts
3 Quantifying status: some pottery data from the Upper Thames Valley 39
    Paul Booth
4 Can you trust a correlation coefficient? 53
    Clive Orton and Ash Rennie
5 The distribution and exchange of pink, grog tempered pottery in the East
Midlands: an Update
    Jeremy Taylor
6 Guidelines for the archiving of Roman pottery 67
7 The early Roman pottery industry in Cologne, Germany: a new kiln site
in the Oppidum Ubiorum
    Maureen Carroll
8 A Roman pottery kiln at Abernant Farm, Caerleon, Gwent
(NGR ST 3680 9140)
    P V Webster, K F Hartley, A G Marvell and S H Sell
9 Wroxeter: after Barker, after Webster 112
    C Jane Evans
10 Reviews 117
    Rhenish wares: fine dark coloured pottery from Gaul and Germany, Symonds R. 1992.
Kevin Greene
    Caister on Sea — Excavations By Charles Green 1951-5, Margaret J Darling with David
Gurney. 1993. J Plouviez
    The Roman Inscriptions of Britain, vol II, instrumentum Domesticum, Fasicule 7, Graffiti on
samian ware,
        and Fasicule 8, Graffiti on coarse pottery, Frere, SS and Tomlin, RSO.
1995. Jeremy Evans
    Report on the Excavations at Usk 1965—76: The Roman Pottery, WH Manning, ed. 1993.
Margaret J Darling
11 Obituaries 125
Graham A Webster Margaret J Darling
12 Bibliography (and index to entries) 131