Journal of Roman Pottery Studies – Volume 3: Contents

Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 3

Edited by Rob Perrin


Front cover and frontispiece

The problems of roughcast beakers and related colour-coated wares 1
    R. P. Symonds
The Cherry Hinton finewares 18
    Jeremy Evans
Mould decorated South Gaulish colour-coated cups from Fingringhoe Wick, Essex 30
    Steven Willis
Roman pottery from excavations in Normangate Field, Castor, Peterborough, 1962-3 35
J. R. Perrin and Dr. G. Webster
Pottery from marine sites around Guernsey 63
Jason Monaghan, Guernsey Maritime Trust
Makers’ stamps on mortaria from Gloucester 70
Colin Wallace, Drawings by Phillip Cracknell
Quantification: towards a standard practice 75
    Richard Pollard
Roman pottery studies in Britain 1890-1919 80
    Colin Wallace
An unusual ceramic vessel from the City of London 88
H. Ganiaris, A. Middleton and R. Tomber
What happens after a report is sent to an editor? 91
    Grace Simpson
Roman pottery bibliography 92
Edited by R. P. Symonds, Indexes by J. R. Perrin

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