Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 3
Edited by Rob Perrin
The problems of roughcast beakers and related colour-coated wares | 1 |
R. P. Symonds | |
The Cherry Hinton finewares | 18 |
Jeremy Evans | |
Mould decorated South Gaulish colour-coated cups from Fingringhoe Wick, Essex | 30 |
Steven Willis | |
Roman pottery from excavations in Normangate Field, Castor, Peterborough, 1962-3 | 35 |
J. R. Perrin and Dr. G. Webster | |
Pottery from marine sites around Guernsey | 63 |
Jason Monaghan, Guernsey Maritime Trust | |
Makers’ stamps on mortaria from Gloucester | 70 |
Colin Wallace, Drawings by Phillip Cracknell | |
Quantification: towards a standard practice | 75 |
Richard Pollard | |
Roman pottery studies in Britain 1890-1919 | 80 |
Colin Wallace | |
An unusual ceramic vessel from the City of London | 88 |
H. Ganiaris, A. Middleton and R. Tomber | |
What happens after a report is sent to an editor? | 91 |
Grace Simpson | |
Roman pottery bibliography | 92 |
Edited by R. P. Symonds, Indexes by J. R. Perrin |