Journal of Roman Pottery Studies – Volume 4: Contents

Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 4

Edited by Rob Perrin


Front cover and contents

Inter-site comparisons between pottery assemblages in Roman Warwickshire: ceramic indicators of site status 1
    by Paul Booth
Pottery supply to the Roman North-West 11
    by Peter Webster
The Berkeley Street pottery kiln, Gloucester 19
    by Jane Timby
Some notes on the Horningsea Roman pottery 33
    by Jeremy Evans
The significance of Anhydrite in pottery as exemplified by Romano-British Dales ware 45
    by Ron J. Firman
A fragment from a probable Roman clibanus from Catterick, North Yorkshire 51
by David Williams and Jeremy Evans
Two vessels in pink grog tempered ware from the Roman fort at Cramond, Scotland 55
    by Barbara Ford
Dressel 1 amphorae from Kent 57
    by R. J. Pollard
Methods for investigating homogeneity 59
    Roberta Tomber
Not more pot 69
    by Jeremy Evans
Sitting on a tell: some thoughts on the quantification of samian 77
    by Peter Webster
Slicing the pie – a framework for comparing ceramic assemblages 79
    by Clive Orton and Paul Tyers
Review 81
    by Margaret J. Darling
Roman pottery bibliography 83
    Edited by R P Symonds, Indexes by J R Perrin

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