Kay Hartley Mortarium Archive Project aims to preserve an archive compiled, since 1956, by Kay Hartley, a leading international scholar in mortarium studies, covering all aspects of her mortarium studies. The primary aim of the project is to secure the archive in a digital format for the use of other scholars.
Potsherd This is a collection of pages on pottery and ceramics in archaeology, principally of the Roman period (1st cent. BC – 5th cent. AD) in Britain and western Europe. The pages include an introductory Atlas of Roman Pottery, containing descriptions and distribution maps of types of Roman pottery (particularly types found in Britain). The site includes a companion to Roman Pottery in Britain, a survey of pottery made or used in Britain during the Roman period published in 1996. The pages include an additional index of non-UK sites and a list of errata.
Samian Pottery: a Resource for the Study of Roman Britain and Beyond: the results of the English Heritage funded Samian Project. An e-monograph This link takes you to Steven Willis’ E-monograph on samian ware published online by Internet Archaeology.
Gallo-Belgic Pottery in Britain Project One of the principal aims of the project has been to compile a corpus of Gallo-Belgic pottery (terra nigra and terra rubra) found in Britain. An essential part of this work has been to create a digital record of all known potter name stamps and marks. The data presented in this web site represents the first stage of dissemination
The Pottery Kilns of Roman Britain by Vivien Swan The Study Group for Roman Pottery has initiated this project to digitise the gazetteer with the aim of enhancing this data, undertaken in stages. Stage one, the scanning and digitisation of the microfiche gazetteer and its mapping, is now completed.
A Mortarium Bibliography for Roman Britain The purpose of this mortarium bibliography is to collate the disparate literature on mortaria in order to make it more accessible to pottery specialists and other interested individuals. Undertaken principally between 1995 and 1998, with some updating in 2001 and 2004, the resulting bibliography is essentially, but not totally, comprehensive for the last thirty years.
Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies The leading organisation in the United Kingdom for those interested in the study of Rome and the Roman Empire. Its scope is wide, covering Roman history, archaeology, literature and art down to about A.D. 700.
Roman Finds Group The RFG provides a forum for all those with an interest in Roman artefacts.
Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group The PCRG promotes regular contacts between those with interests in prehistoric ceramics.
Medieval Pottery Research Group MPRG brings together people with an interest in the pottery vessels that were made, traded, and used in Europe between the end of the Roman period and the 16th century
Worcestershire On-line Fabric Type Series The database was designed to make the complete pottery fabric and form type series for Worcestershire accessible on-line. At the moment it contains information on all the pottery fabrics used and made in Worcestershire from the Neolithic (c. 4000 BC) to the early post-medieval period (c. 1650 AD).
Gloucester Pottery: the Type Series The Gloucester type series is currently housed in Gloucester City Museum. This web resource was created to make information on the fabric type series more widely available, to incorporate data on the distribution of some of the principal wares in Gloucestershire, and to link the Gloucester series to other web sites dealing with Roman and Medieval pottery fabrics.
The French Society for the Study of Ancient Ceramics in Gaul :- la Société Française d’Etude de la Céramique Antique en Gaule (SFECAG). Its website includes an extensive photo gallery, and a searchable database of the Actes of the SFECAG going back to 1985.
Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores (RCRF) The RCRF is an international learned society specialising in the field of Roman pottery. Its main aim is to establish contact between scholars of different countries and the field of interest is interpreted in its widest sense.
The Christopher St John Breen Roman & Medieval Pottery Archive. Chris Breen and other members of the Dartford and District Archaeological Group collected thousands of pottery sherds from the Billingsgate Soil Dumps in the 1980s. These were sorted and identified and bagged using the Museum of London pottery codes in use at that time. Since then some of those codes have been expanded and many more added to include those used by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. This archive is intended to help amateur archaeologists identify and date the pottery that they find in the course of their excavations.