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The National Roman Fabric Reference Collection: a Handbook

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Appendix 1: Keywords and Definitions
Appendix 2: Physical Layout of Sherds Housed in the NRFRC


'Gallo-Belgic' Wares

Many of the British references for Gallo-Belgic wares and selected continental ones cover most fabrics found in this section but are particularly applicable to certain fabrics or certain outstanding aspects within a fabric. To avoid repetition, some of the major references which should be consulted are listed here, and are abbreviated in the relevant sections below.

Chossenot, M, & Chossenot, D, 1987 Introduction à l’étude de la céramique gallo-belge dans la vallée de la Vesle (Marne), Revue Archéologique de l’Est et du Centre-Est 38, 113–24 . Terra-rubra, terra nigra production sites.

Hawkes, C F C, & Hull, M R, 1947 Camulodunum. First report on the excavations at Colchester 1930–1939, Rep Res Comm Soc Antiq London 14. Terra rubra, terra nigra, north Gaulish white wares.

Holwerda, J H, 1941 De Belgische Waar in Nijmegen, Beschrijuing van de verzameling van het Museum G M Kam te Nijmegen 2, Nijmegen . Terra rubra, terra nigra, north Gaulish white wares.

Rigby, V, 1981 The Gallo-Belgic wares, in Skeleton Green. A late Iron Age and Romano-British site (C Partridge), Britannia Monogr Ser 2, 159–95 . Late Augustan terra rubra, terra nigra, north Gaulish white wares.

Rigby, V, 1985 The Gallo-Belgic wares: discussion and conclusions, in Sheepen: an early Roman industrial site at Camulodunum (R Niblett), CBA Res Rep 57, 74–82 and microfiche 1:D12-2:B10. Claudio-Neronian terra nigra, north Gaulish white wares.

Rigby, V, 1989a Pottery from the Iron Age cemetery, in Verulamium. The King Harry Lane site (I M Stead & V Rigby), Engl Heritage Archaeol Rep 12, 112–210 . Tiberio-Claudian terra nigra, terra rubra, north Gaulish white wares.

Rigby, V, 1995 Early Gaulish and Rhenish imports, in Excavations in the Marlowe Car Park and surrounding Areas. Part 2: the finds (K Blockley, M Blockley, P Blockley, S Frere & S Stow), The archaeology of Canterbury 5, 639–70 . North Gaulish white wares, craquelée bleutée.

Timby, J R, 1983 Gallo-Belgic fine wares; a study in characterisation, distribution and development during the first centuries BC and AD, Unpublished PhD, University of Southampton . Petrographic analysis of terra nigra, terra rubra, north Gaulish white wares.

Tuffreau-Libre, M, 1981 L’industrie de la céramique gallo-belge dans la vallée de la Vesle, Bulletin de la Société Archéologique Champenoise 2, 81–94 . Terra rubra, terra nigra production sites.

As for references, many of the best museums for viewing Gallo-Belgic wares overlap for the different fabrics. The most important collections are found in the Department of Prehistoric & Romano-British Antiquities, The British Museum and at Colchester Museum. Additional collections are listed below, as well as specifying the most common types seen at each.

Unless otherwise specified, the Department of Prehistoric & Romano-British Antiquities, The British Museum is the donor for these wares.