SGRP 2025 conference: first announcement and call for papers

A weekend conference is being planned for the weekend of Friday 6th June to Sunday 8th June based at the Folk of Gloucester, Southgate St, Gloucester. The conference is being organised by Jane Timby and Paul Tyers and it is intended that there will be an opportunity to have pottery on display at the Museum of Gloucester from Kingsholm and Gloucester City including kiln material from recent excavations.

The Roman army first came to the area c AD 49 setting up a legionary fortress at Kingsholm just outside the city, possibly to define the crossing of the River Severn at this point. This site was abandoned and a second legionary fortress established on the site of Gloucester City around AD 61. The ramparts of this fortress were still standing when the colonia was constructed sometime in the last decade of the first century AD. Gloucester (Glevum) is one of only four such colonia established in Britain and it soon became a flourishing defended Roman settlement with various public buildings, shops and houses, with extensive dockside facilities fronting the River Severn. This is reflected in the pottery arriving at the town which shows a diverse range of continental and regional imports alongside local wares. The range of pottery found is reflected in the Gloucester City type fabric series available on-line.

We intend to have a guest speaker for Friday evening followed by a buffet/wine reception. Two sessions with papers will be scheduled for Saturday morning and Sunday morning and we would now like to invite people to offer contributions. Papers can be up at a maximum of 20 minutes long but we would also like to include 5 minute lightning contributions highlighting recent finds, problems or queries. Posters are also invited. The AGM will be held for SGRP members.

Details of accommodation options in Gloucester will be distributed in a subsequent circular. A meal is being planned for Saturday evening details of which will also follow later.

Click here to contact the conference team by email.

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